Operation Yellow Hammer, Patriots Taking Back The Economy - Episode 1946a

from X22Report



@00:08:41 china eating tariffs helping targeted
@00:08:59 china moving forward lowest unemployment
@00:09:27 happens is the first middleman in china
@00:10:16 and it gets hit with in china they
@00:10:19 absorb it this is why china is
@00:10:36 gonna move out of china they are now

Deep state

@00:01:23 news now the deep state the central
@00:02:11 central bank the deep state the elite
@00:08:07 about what the deep state has tried
@00:08:50 the deep state tried now trump is out
@00:09:02 now the deep state they tried to bring
@00:12:04 this is why the deep state the central