Netflix Pushes Pedophilia AGAIN, Mexico Cracks Down on Caravans

from dnajlion7


Human trafficking

@00:11:15 classified as human trafficking a


@00:08:16 trafficking charges let's face it donald
@00:11:15 classified as human trafficking a


@00:13:37 away with saying things like pedophile


@00:07:52 good news coming out of mexico so we
@00:07:57 threatening mexico with these tariffs
@00:07:59 and texas mexico decided to sign an
@00:08:11 it says mexico finally draws a line
@00:08:21 mexico his rhetoric regarding the border
@00:08:38 rising frustration within mexico
@00:08:53 oh braider of mexico seems to be
@00:09:05 authorities in mexico have arrested
@00:09:20 mexico and flown together to the
@00:09:47 states and mexico negotiated a deal
@00:09:49 readers explained mexico agreed to clamp
@00:10:02 through mexico many of them without
@00:11:30 of the arrests mexico also froze bank
@00:12:03 mexico that benefits both neighboring