Live Call In Show 12/8/18 803-399-0044 Phone Line Opens At 100 Likes!!

from TRUreporting



@00:48:58 trafficking

Deep state

@00:04:26 attorney journal i'm worried he is deep
@00:04:28 state these people flipped but we still


@00:21:13 twitter at true reporting if you haven't
@00:21:38 twitter account yes true reporting at
@00:29:29 good twitter hammy are you talking about
@01:18:10 know what mcalister tv is she on twitter
@01:18:22 on twitter
@01:18:56 credited me she's not on twitter
@01:20:21 do what is twitter doing this is making


@00:31:09 with the declassification of the fisa