US Propaganda Being Used To Push The War With Syria And Russia - Episode 762b

from X22Report



@00:14:00 near russia which is near china which is
@00:14:33 provoke china this is what we are seeing
@00:16:04 cold war because of china and russia the
@00:26:48 to war with then look at china there
@00:27:56 china the islamic state these are the

William Barr

@00:08:52 chips they're gonna have a bar code on


@00:02:14 the twitter account which is twitter
@00:02:23 wanted to follow x 22 report on twitter

North Korea

@00:26:52 next that's the enemy then north korea


@00:21:40 never any proof it's all propaganda and

Saudi Arabia

@00:16:46 egypt aha rain qatar saudi arabia all
@00:16:57 already started saudi arabia has already