Bigger Slam Dunk Charges, Bloomberg & HRC, POTUS Deploying Elite Tactical Agents

from dnajlion7



@00:05:51 horowitz his report that james comey and


@00:02:03 mccabe dismissals frankly when you
@00:04:14 getting upset that mccabe got off well
@00:05:05 mccabe there was no follow-through on
@00:05:54 even andrew mccabe said no no no wait a
@00:06:38 all of this outrage over mccabe getting
@00:07:08 ig report recommended mccabe aspiring so
@00:08:24 mccabe is gonna be caught up in all this
@00:08:43 i now see is now mccabe got off this is
@00:11:14 refusal to charge andrew mccabe the
@00:11:26 earlier for those crying about mccabe


@00:03:34 out far and wide durham has spent weeks
@00:05:25 what we do know is that john durham is
@00:06:04 durham has expanded his probe to the
@00:08:26 other stuff that john durham is
@00:10:56 for introduced number 8 durham is
@00:12:29 everything we already know that durham
@00:18:20 attorney general bar durham they are


@00:06:57 andrew mccain he misled investigators


@00:14:41 to china she will fail and yeah she will

Human trafficking

@00:14:27 presidential loser and human trafficking


@00:14:27 presidential loser and human trafficking


@00:03:21 to come former cia director john brennan
@00:05:27 focusing very closely on john brennan
@00:05:40 brennan testified under oath to trey
@00:05:57 brennan did say he used it in the
@00:14:46 clinton just like will expose brennan


@00:05:51 horowitz his report that james comey and

William Barr

@00:01:43 bar is focused on something much bigger
@00:02:29 attorney general bill barr is now
@00:02:50 because as we speak the dorm bar
@00:07:26 the department of justice and that barr
@00:07:33 temporary reprieve freeing barr to
@00:07:50 continuing to say oh look barr and trump
@00:08:06 up for independence ah bar has integrity
@00:08:19 how could bar let you know make cave off
@00:09:27 attorney general bar announced that
@00:10:03 of bar as being outrageous nine years
@00:10:28 attorney general bar number six the
@00:10:47 letter to attorney general william bar
@00:11:04 number 9 attorney general bar installs
@00:12:31 and barr are engaged in the most
@00:12:49 general bar praying for q and the white
@00:18:20 attorney general bar durham they are
@00:18:35 bar has said the durham's supposed to

Deep state

@00:02:45 involved in the corruption those deep
@00:02:48 state bureaucrats who abuse their power
@00:03:23 and many other current and former deep
@00:03:26 state officials responsible for the


@00:08:48 directly to a twitter account cga truth
@00:09:38 goes on a twitter spree highlighting


@00:18:12 pedophile should receive quick justice

Time machine

@00:18:29 know i don't have a time machine or


@00:03:54 fisa court nobody else in the media got
@00:04:44 that did the premeditated fraud on fisa


@00:17:22 between mexico now ordering troops to


@00:02:11 i read between that and general flynn
@00:02:18 look into the general flynn case so i'm
@00:11:09 against general michael flynn amid