Former Treasury Secretary Reports New Financial Crisis Will Happen Again - Episode 661

from X22Report



@00:19:59 that china is looking to build their


@00:31:48 attack by russia out in iran we
@00:31:56 in the us government that iran is
@00:34:53 pause if iran can talk to the who teased
@00:35:00 basically the iran iran has nothing to

false flag

@00:37:17 false flag event with sarin gas they

Saudi Arabia

@00:33:45 can't explain why saudi arabia started
@00:34:09 boots on the ground and we see saudi
@00:34:13 arabia sent in special forces to collect
@00:34:36 he's meeting with the leader of saudi
@00:34:39 arabia trying to convince them to have a
@00:35:07 government saudi arabia they're doing