The Bombing In Turkey Used As The Excuse To Bring NATO Troops Into Turkey - Episode 789b

from X22Report



@00:10:09 ready to send ships to china to provoke
@00:10:13 china into doing something it's a us
@00:10:38 china will react and we'll have to wait
@00:10:43 to see what happens hopefully china
@00:11:02 china russia and north korea syria iran
@00:12:20 poking at china hoping these two powers
@00:19:08 make deals with russia china and they're
@00:19:15 china we see germany and france they're
@00:23:14 last few weeks china has launched its
@00:23:28 china has created the cips the china


@00:11:02 china russia and north korea syria iran
@00:25:07 this through the negotiations in iran if

false flag

@00:11:10 false flag event and blame it on that

North Korea

@00:11:02 china russia and north korea syria iran

Saudi Arabia

@00:12:51 ruining their plans and we see saudi
@00:12:55 arabia right now is continually bombing
@00:13:01 party and of course saudi arabia they
@00:18:54 saudi arabia turkey they're caught