4.25 - Q: MOAB/More JFK Documents?/Allison Mack&NXIVM/Kanye West

from Destroying the Illusion


Human trafficking

@00:10:34 indictment it says not just human
@00:10:37 trafficking not just solicitation or


@00:01:19 the iran deal it's talking about
@00:01:25 that go to iran you can see this line
@00:01:40 telling us here is that iran is used
@00:04:22 iran any other rogue nuclear states
@00:08:15 shortly another mention of iran bigger
@00:08:18 problems than ever before signal to iran
@00:08:32 union to remain in the iran deal you
@00:08:39 still talking iran deal hostage no more


@00:05:19 illegal trafficking and those who are
@00:10:37 trafficking not just solicitation or
@00:10:40 says trafficking of children so i think


@00:02:21 lines say how does george soros fund

Red Cross

@00:05:49 talking about the red cross like i
@00:05:57 traffic stuff red cross perfect
@00:06:04 money humans organs what does the red
@00:06:08 cross do what are they involved with and
@00:06:18 about to unfold i would imagine red
@00:06:20 cross and those humanitarian


@00:10:17 actual indictments in mind you this is
@00:10:23 indictments one of them was unsealed it

Deep state

@00:01:50 their a deep state controlled entity
@00:02:09 reactors so the deep state can then
@00:13:25 assassination of jfk we know the deep
@00:13:27 state had a hand in it but george did hw


@00:18:11 rampage if you just go to his twitter
@00:18:20 on twitter only freethinkers talking

false flag

@00:15:20 attack which i do believe was a false
@00:15:23 flag way too many mysterious
@00:17:33 false flag sacrifices going on so we

North Korea

@00:01:37 icbm think north korea so what this is
@00:01:44 much like north korea was to accept
@00:04:04 like north korea strings were cut there
@00:04:05 iran's next armenia like north korea
@00:04:20 saudi arabia to north korea tar mania to


@00:05:10 mexico so vocal against the president


@00:18:17 mkultra programming and let loose or

Saudi Arabia

@00:04:17 saudi arabia sa order is important we go
@00:04:20 saudi arabia to north korea tar mania to