ES/ES, Gmails, Bonus Round! Aug 14-15 Q Drops

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:14:43 schumer loretta lynch andy mccabe nellie
@00:15:19 steele loretta lynch andy mccabe nellie
@00:15:31 sally yates annie mccabe they've all


@00:00:54 that's china
@00:18:16 china maybe they were you know in charge
@00:19:45 went to china okay because that's that's

Human trafficking

@00:01:02 human trafficking sharing of ice
@00:05:45 trafficking human trafficking right uh
@00:06:17 google to coordinate a wet work human
@00:06:20 trafficking on the border using


@00:01:02 human trafficking sharing of ice
@00:05:45 trafficking human trafficking right uh
@00:06:20 trafficking on the border using


@00:09:54 former cia director john brennan huh
@00:15:51 know brennan just lied his butt off

Red Cross

@00:02:21 reg red cross and ngos ham radio


@00:01:54 other things like perhaps james comey
@00:14:28 okay text so think james comey vo is not
@00:15:14 or so james comey bruce or christopher
@00:15:27 all of them but james comey loretta

Deep state

@00:06:52 warning the deep state there they were


@00:09:14 you remove the app twitter geo tracks
@00:20:22 facebook google youtube and twitter


@00:00:33 pedophile stuff okay so it was it's


@00:06:29 against scalia rich or someone else or