QAnon - A Peek Inside the OIG FISA ABUSE Report Coming Soon to a Theater Near YOU!

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:19:48 nunez though right comey mccabe etc oh


@00:09:00 brennan and clapper media collusion okay


@00:19:48 nunez though right comey mccabe etc oh
@00:19:55 so much comey i'ma cave and roses scene


@00:15:45 twitter thing the fb i--'s crossfire

Red october

@00:03:28 to see the old the old post 433 red line
@00:03:34 on the anniversary we're out october


@00:01:29 inspector general's fisa abuse report
@00:05:49 d class and fisa is the next stage so
@00:06:09 inserts a wreck and info dis fisa abuse
@00:07:13 the fisa abuses so this kind of
@00:10:34 fisa applications all right so i'm gonna
@00:11:17 the fisa applications alright and so do
@00:11:28 the the fisa applications right well
@00:11:48 it's the fisa surveillance court orders
@00:12:24 the fisa court for faiz abuse basically
@00:12:49 obtain and renew since the fisa apps are
@00:13:45 uncovered in the oig fisa report think
@00:18:18 talking redline setup scam fisa abuse of
@00:19:00 public is the fisa what is not public is
@00:19:21 report is going to show fisa abuse
@00:19:42 related to fisa abuse think harry reid
@00:21:18 procedures we also this is from the fisa
@00:21:27 the fisa 702 upstream data that's like
@00:24:48 fisa application information to get the
@00:25:14 inserts or the spies okay fisa abuse

Five Eyes

@00:18:57 another one read the five eyes what is
@00:19:02 the five eyes you a i'm sorry uk uas


@00:09:32 resignations i mean you got priebus


@00:07:22 as proof of the steele dossier so i have