deleted Q: Post Kav@naugh Updates 10.6.18

from Dustin Nemos



@00:00:27 look here china that's kind of what's
@00:00:34 russia thing at the same point china is
@00:01:45 but the point made china is really the
@00:01:56 china other than the fact that they are
@00:02:13 china however is in china is incredibly
@00:02:40 i know of china and what's going on made
@00:02:58 highest levels calling out china for a
@00:03:07 one china policy over taiwan the south
@00:03:10 china sea everything it's a turning
@00:03:12 point in our relationship with china so
@00:03:24 china guys i think is gonna get a lot
@00:03:33 the next cold war with china and it's
@00:03:47 china has they're very dependent on
@00:08:04 with china would help push the healing


@00:01:39 sold out our uranium so china's really


@00:11:26 vaccines what about gmo guys when we get


@00:11:24 that say what about 5g what about