Q Anon | "The rats are panicking."

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:03:55 you guessed it general john f kennedy


@00:15:52 being a senior fellow at the soros in
@00:15:55 third the soros open society foundation


@00:07:11 and it says sessions on recuse or number
@00:07:15 three until refill so sessions unruh
@00:07:23 ago q dropped it that jeff sessions has
@00:07:52 would have went sessions rosenstein

Deep state

@00:08:06 deep state it would seem and she took a
@00:19:03 ave and eddie working for is it the deep
@00:19:06 state democrats satan or all the above
@00:20:07 you know the the the deep state


@00:26:30 be all over twitter all over facebook
@00:30:46 twitter and participate in my poll
@00:30:56 justin underscore form and on twitter
@00:31:00 and on twitter and when you come here
@00:31:18 here and follow me on twitter that would

Inspector General

@00:09:02 and says did the inspector general
@00:11:08 the inspector general recommend that rod
@00:11:13 speed does that mean that the inspector
@00:11:15 general has already reviewed the


@00:11:18 unredacted fisa carter page warrant and
@00:13:12 fisa and the bruce or interviews and