Whitaker's 5 Mins, Huber Confirmed, Burr says no collusion, Jim Jordan on RR Memo

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:25:15 are using the document as a road map in


@00:19:38 indictments at the o'jays basic policy


@00:11:26 was because of general sessions recusal
@00:12:54 of mr. sessions recusal gave
@00:23:15 by attorney general sessions to conduct

William Barr

@00:01:56 next opportunity is bill barr in a week
@00:27:41 general to bill bar whatever but i'd

Inspector General

@00:22:09 in this body and in the general public
@00:22:11 the spec of the office of inspector
@00:22:14 general is currently looking at the
@00:22:54 in this body and in the general public
@00:22:56 the spec of the office of inspector
@00:22:59 general is currently looking at the


@00:07:24 richard burr defending fisa application
@00:22:17 carter page fisa application which is a
@00:23:02 carter page fisa application which is a


@00:22:26 simultaneously by mr. john huber who's
@00:23:11 simultaneously by mr. john huber who's
@00:23:57 huber is looking into alleged misconduct
@00:26:12 department official john huber was