Q Anon/News - Comey Correct - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 6.3.19

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:09:25 what did comey demand what
@00:10:41 know for sure but perhaps comey was just
@00:11:24 lgbtq was james comey simply filling in
@00:11:51 could likely be responding back to comey
@00:11:53 this would have come after the comey

William Barr

@00:05:40 of the country we've got bar in alaska
@00:08:39 fixed and one on top says bill bar on

Deep state

@00:16:30 the narrative so she's sort of a deep
@00:16:32 state cleanup batter and she decided to
@00:17:02 deep state call out by the hames not


@00:00:48 twitter everyone say amped up john-john
@00:08:07 is the twitter page of sarah carter and
@00:09:13 twitter made an astute observation by
@00:18:56 bitch shoot and i'm over here at twitter

false flag

@00:14:23 followed by a false flag coincidence you


@00:06:16 come through mexico and our southern
@00:06:26 trade deficit with mexico it's time ok