Message Sent, Sleep Cells Activated, The Plan Is Now Active - Episode 1659b

from X22Report



@00:14:38 comey wrote special agent andrew mccabe
@00:15:08 special agent andrew mccabe stood tall
@00:17:49 mccabe that's the grand jury grand
@00:17:52 journey grand jury and paneled mccabe
@00:24:49 fisa six question mark 2018 ssa mccabe
@00:25:07 comey fired five nine 2017 mccabe fired


@00:08:35 mccain executed for the north korean


@00:06:46 sending iran messages every day saying
@00:06:54 iran to say okay yes let's renegotiate


@00:13:57 gps and crowdstrike contractors before


@00:10:11 comey to potus put up a document of
@00:10:14 rosenstein letter on comey firing and
@00:14:30 it's a tweet by james comey and he
@00:14:38 comey wrote special agent andrew mccabe
@00:15:51 up the james comey tweet about standing
@00:16:14 september so when we read this comey
@00:16:39 second so since comey said this and now
@00:17:09 confirmed the message from comey so the
@00:18:58 comey
@00:24:28 question mark 2016 ssa comey yates
@00:24:35 mark 2017 ssa comey yates department of
@00:24:40 four question mark 2017 ssa comey dana
@00:25:07 comey fired five nine 2017 mccabe fired


@00:02:20 those indictments to expose the pfizer
@00:18:02 indictments are court records from


@00:12:30 remember sessions recommended rosenstein
@00:12:36 oversight by sessions whoops
@00:12:41 we're supposed to believe that sessions
@00:12:54 sessions has even gone so far as to say
@00:19:45 already know this sessions recommended
@00:21:06 to find out sessions go find this out
@00:21:14 going on telling sessions to do
@00:21:16 something and we know that sessions

Deep state

@00:01:44 deep state fell right into the trap of
@00:02:52 deep state and the central bankers was
@00:04:02 remember the central bank in the deep
@00:04:05 state they were trying to reach their
@00:05:17 deep state then they would have
@00:07:09 syrian state channels as the in lib
@00:07:14 if the deep state was behind this they
@00:08:01 destroying the deep state infrastructure
@00:12:45 full-time for the deep state and that
@00:16:49 message to deep state sleeper cells and
@00:20:05 drive the left and the deep state even
@00:20:20 walked the plank and have all the deep
@00:20:23 state the dems and all the others follow
@00:22:30 doing it so he's making the deep state
@00:28:05 step further and said look what the deep
@00:28:07 state was trying to do to this country


@00:17:00 google youtube and twitter start to
@00:18:30 to john podesta's twitter feed and that
@00:18:34 twitter feed says the following real

Inspector General

@00:02:24 warns and the inspector general report


@00:12:24 positions f + d fisa equal start q now
@00:13:44 knew the fisa was a fraud but needed to
@00:22:13 fisa when the president is ready it
@00:22:39 prepared for the release of the fisa and
@00:23:06 let's move on to post 2115 q put up fisa
@00:23:21 those illegally targeted for fisa
@00:23:41 declassification of fisa so they removed
@00:23:53 though insulated you said what fisa is
@00:24:23 anonymous put up fisa signatures fisa 10
@00:24:32 department of justice fisa one question
@00:24:39 justice fisa
@00:24:49 fisa six question mark 2018 ssa mccabe

North Korea

@00:05:49 he's talking about we see north korea
@00:06:02 north korea has just saged their parade
@00:06:11 development experts believe that north
@00:06:13 korea cut out the nuclear missiles to
@00:06:21 positive statement from north korea
@00:06:35 there and then that north korea is on
@00:09:08 cause and how if north korea was smart
@00:09:48 you automatically think oh it's north
@00:09:50 korea but it looks like this might have

Five Eyes

@00:13:52 intel coming in from the five eyes and


@00:14:17 rothschild used as a tweet for someone