7.14 - Health News (Cancer Cures, Vaccine Truth, & Deconstructing B.S. Media Health Advice)
uploaded on Jul 15, 2017
Deep state
@00:09:49 cancer vaccines jesus christ like i
@00:09:56 they're saying vaccines can help prevent
@00:10:30 personalized cancer vet vaccines big ol
@00:11:04 tell you that vaccines will prevent
@00:12:04 place right if we didn't have vaccines
@00:12:30 are about about vaccines and i mean if
@00:12:35 regards to vaccines look into dr.
@00:12:40 work on explaining how vaccines don't
@00:13:04 vaccines and all that so again lots of
@00:13:40 toxified through things like vaccines
@00:18:43 making you live longer and vaccines