De-Dollarization Continues With Iran And Russia Creating A Joint Bank - Episode 491

from X22Report



@00:00:45 not stopped where russia and china have
@00:02:12 they are continually provoking china
@00:02:17 region to encircle china we see
@00:05:57 deals with china trying to revitalize
@00:07:06 signing up with china right now to help
@00:08:09 china russia iran they're all heading in
@00:08:16 china and russia have signed a
@00:08:35 extended if both russia and china agree
@00:08:46 russia and china is already nearly 90
@00:10:52 that far i think china and russia will
@00:16:15 china is spending a lot of money in the
@00:19:59 china and russia have been making deals
@00:39:05 china and say let's look they just hit
@00:39:41 china it's going to be from the inside


@00:00:38 continues with iran and russia creating
@00:00:52 russia and iran are deciding to do the
@00:08:01 happened with iran in 2012 and this is
@00:08:09 china russia iran they're all heading in
@00:08:55 understand that iran has been bypassing
@00:09:00 based on iran and of course they're
@00:09:22 illusion now iran and russia plan to
@00:10:07 of course as we know syria iran they're
@00:10:30 they're going to be moving into iran
@00:10:42 syria and iran are basically the last
@00:10:51 iran but i don't think it's going to get
@00:30:18 saying to iran you must withdraw your
@00:30:29 iran and syria have an agreement with
@00:31:06 conflicts iran as part of the problem
@00:37:30 iran wanted to joining on this fight to
@00:37:48 didn't want syria or iran getting

false flag

@00:03:47 that false flag event of a chemical

North Korea

@00:19:44 going on in north korea and you know
@00:20:02 with north korea with for railway
@00:20:11 demonizing north korea they would love
@00:20:15 to have a regime change in north korea
@00:20:42 to better deal with north korea's
@00:20:52 themselves from north korea and of

Saudi Arabia

@00:30:14 opposition inside turkey saudi arabia is
@00:31:03 saudi arabia went on to say in many
@00:33:13 now is accusing turkey and saudi arabia
@00:33:32 course from saudi arabia from the u.s.