QAnon - Darpa, Goog FB, SCIFS and Seal Team 6 Spec Op

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:08:15 washington dc for the john mccain


@00:12:32 china believing the intelligence
@00:25:09 have in chuck communist china the kicker


@00:25:57 researcher at nasa goddard space flight


@00:09:58 advice type stuff - jeff sessions right
@00:10:03 so he's bringing up sessions and he's
@00:12:17 sessions according to a person familiar
@00:12:24 justice department advising mr. sessions
@00:14:49 sessions so we can be confident about

Deep state

@00:08:02 the deep state so where were they
@00:29:35 groomed by the deep state for deep state


@00:06:13 it's a twitter status and i can see it a
@00:06:23 click over to twitter and look at it so
@00:10:50 on twitter that cohen watt nick had done
@00:28:17 had twitter ceo jack hold off on


@00:11:23 to spy on us for flynn and the dia a
@00:11:28 nick did not know flynn at the time he
@00:11:47 not fire okay when flynn was kicked out
@00:12:00 nick was a flynn tap they tried to get