deleted Private video

from prayingmedic



@00:06:32 before inspector general horowitz


@00:09:03 mccabe susan rice sally yates clapper


@00:00:26 posting there's the q map app there is a


@00:09:06 brennan they were all deposed and they
@00:09:09 had their testimonies now john brennan
@00:09:29 it's called why are brennan comey and


@00:08:39 times fire brennon comey and rogers
@00:09:12 james comey and admiral rogers they
@00:09:29 it's called why are brennan comey and
@00:10:55 over james comey boom time baker
@00:10:58 i think comey knows how much trouble


@00:04:26 done in the previous sessions session of
@00:07:59 he testified so did jeff sessions court

William Barr

@00:02:43 general bar after he was confirmed and q
@00:03:00 william bar once he was not confirmed
@00:06:22 president and william bar attorney
@00:11:55 attorney general bar because they know
@00:12:07 the moller report because look bar did
@00:12:45 no outsider taking a look at this bar


@00:04:53 makers on twitter that i follow who are
@00:05:46 people to follow us on twitter or
@00:07:08 to stay close to twitter take close to
@00:07:42 on my twitter thread here but you've got
@00:10:06 collins twitter page and said eyes on
@00:10:12 collins twitter page we need to look at
@00:10:13 it's just a link to his twitter page i
@00:11:06 collins his twitter page all right that
@00:11:12 cool so i am on the president's twitter
@00:11:27 friends who does cutie coats on twitter

Inspector General

@00:06:32 before inspector general horowitz


@00:03:27 congress potential abuse of fisa and
@00:03:54 carter page fisa application all