"There is a price we will not pay."

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:03:26 people like john mccain going to you
@00:16:19 no name mccain you guys know him the guy
@00:17:46 mccain into john mccain's position which
@00:18:11 put cindy mccain and it's like what how
@00:20:06 days later exactly of course john mccain
@00:22:29 they look at john mccain and what has
@00:28:17 seem to be you know andrew mccain peter


@00:14:56 this point anything's better than comey


@00:14:24 picked the doj we have jeff sessions
@00:14:26 obviously accused said trust sessions
@00:14:35 basically to give jeff sessions cover in


@00:29:17 of course general michael flynn twitter
@00:38:32 here and find me on twitter at justin
@00:38:47 all that gets posted here on the twitter

Pizza gate

@00:21:40 we're all basically pizza gate on bath


@00:02:17 and the renewal of the fisa warrant all


@00:02:42 that big problem that general flynn was
@00:02:46 people's attention well general flynn
@00:03:10 shared by general flynn when it comes to
@00:03:16 just screams that general flynn was a
@00:08:25 michael flynn was the you know director
@00:08:36 general flynn was asking questions about
@00:09:05 says flynn was pushed out by obama and
@00:09:19 papadopolis but with flynn flynn was
@00:09:51 likova and flynn at the february 2014
@00:09:54 seminar dinner but flynn in and them
@00:10:07 start spying on flynn to start spying on
@00:12:22 think flynn 30 exactly 30 q okay so that
@00:18:30 flynn and 30 and exactly 30 well you
@00:18:56 talking about general flynn and how
@00:19:03 with flynn before this is a previous
@00:19:11 why would flynn plead guilty to
@00:19:17 bodies were buried flynn is safe expand
@00:19:37 you know flynn in his 30 turn a 30 day
@00:20:37 flynn exactly 30 so that's definitely
@00:29:17 of course general michael flynn twitter

Five Eyes

@00:24:30 five eyes example1 fake news blast
@00:26:13 or unlocks uk foreign intelligence five
@00:26:15 eyes not uk foreign intelligence unlocks
@00:26:41 agencies through the five eyes then who