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from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:22:02 don't look at china and see that's the


@00:19:22 stumble into a conflict with iran and

William Barr

@00:02:35 department bar says ok so it just kind
@00:02:52 nation that he spoke that morning to bar


@00:06:59 on the east coast and the twitter status
@00:07:58 adam shifts twitter and he says let's
@00:21:37 on twitter goading a dictator in another

Inspector General

@00:13:28 to congress or to an inspector general


@00:03:13 door to fisa illegal how do you
@00:04:35 muller opened the door to the fisa legal
@00:04:37 fisa stuff going on right but i just
@00:09:11 students present fisa works both ways so
@00:09:35 for playing fisa goes both ways adam
@00:31:00 were set up fisa works both ways these

North Korea

@00:17:44 we've seen potentially with north korea


@00:14:57 why michael flynn was taken out very
@00:15:09 michael flynn was controversial we're
@00:15:51 flynn you had people who were brought
@00:24:20 general flynn and ambassador kissel acts
@00:25:04 trump and b as mike flynn that's a

Five Eyes

@00:08:15 five eyes etc to address and investigate