[8.1] Today's QAnon & FBI Doc Warning "Conspiracy Theories Are A Domestic Terrorism Threat"

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:10:26 it a trafficking ring or a peddle ring


@00:03:33 comey for leaking memos after ig
@00:04:01 than comey being prosecuted for leaking

Deep state

@00:09:24 deep state conspiracy against president
@00:09:43 network that believes in a deep state
@00:19:50 the legacy media for the deep state so


@00:02:00 i put out is free on twitter and
@00:22:51 twitter then you know we've got this

false flag

@00:22:04 and crazy so if any sort of false flag
@00:23:24 then you know just beware the false flag


@00:09:28 pedophile ring including clinton
@00:10:14 that a pedophile ring including clinton
@00:18:02 snopes the roots of pedophile ring

Pizza gate

@00:09:25 trump and pizza gate the theory that a
@00:09:31 basement of a washington dc pizza
@00:10:09 right and then along the lines of pizza
@00:10:12 gate here they say that it's a theory
@00:10:17 basement of a washington dc pizza
@00:10:24 research on pizza gate is claiming that
@00:16:04 about the pizza gate shooters in here
@00:16:08 talking about the pizza gate shooter