DHS Using Fear And A False Flag Event Because Their Budget Is In Jeopardy- Episode 599

from X22Report



@00:01:29 negotiating with russia and china and
@00:02:20 china but
@00:27:03 encircle china they understand this the
@00:37:51 continue doing this same with china on


@00:37:34 dealing with iran syria saudi arabia
@00:41:36 than iran and they do this very slowly

William Barr

@00:14:12 down subprime bar or just get anyone in
@00:24:02 chip in them they're going to have a bar


@00:24:35 facebook twitter and google to cooperate
@00:24:47 microsoft and twitter to help french
@00:25:18 facebook twitter this is your private

false flag

@00:00:37 dhs using fear and a false flag event
@00:44:14 we most likely will see a false flag
@00:44:53 their false flag look at france look at
@00:44:55 australia all of these are false flag
@00:45:06 all depends on the false flag 911 a lot
@00:45:15 a false flag it's not always completely

Saudi Arabia

@00:37:34 dealing with iran syria saudi arabia