Barr Removes Federal Prisons Chief Amidst Strange Epstein Developments

from Truth and Art TV



@00:02:58 epstein that is just beginning no matter
@00:12:52 epstein saga yeah developing doctor mark
@00:12:56 segal jeffrey epstein suffered a
@00:16:49 epstein signed we'll just two days
@00:17:28 chief in wake of epstein death and one
@00:17:50 trafficker jeffrey epstein died in a new
@00:19:09 by jeffrey epstein sex abuse claims yeah
@00:20:34 jeffrey epstein snipping groomer -
@00:22:56 that epstein is gone bill and hillary
@00:23:52 right after epstein is found debts


@00:23:39 on iran yeah what is this love
@00:23:42 relationship with iran why is hillary

William Barr

@00:17:23 this yeah bar removes federal prisons
@00:17:41 william bar on monday removed hugh


@00:09:55 facebook twitter and all these people


@00:08:07 proof then we have this story states to