deleted Maga Update 3.23.18 - Trump Signs Terrible Spending Bill, Vegas, FBI Corruption, China, and more

from Dustin Nemos



@00:16:59 mccabe strock mueller corrupts comey


@00:08:05 that will piss off china security
@00:08:19 china link below for that one
@00:12:21 reported yesterday that china had just
@00:12:39 past i think that china and the us have
@00:12:58 collapse before the us and china have to
@00:13:10 between the us and china could

Las Vegas

@00:16:49 las vegas series as the fbi deep state
@00:19:23 lying in las vegas series that he's
@00:23:52 the fbi and the las vegas mpd with
@00:24:44 near las vegas at the time of the
@00:24:56 associates chose to strike the las vegas


@00:16:59 mccabe strock mueller corrupts comey

Deep state

@00:16:49 las vegas series as the fbi deep state


@00:02:08 on twitter to make a deal to help these

false flag

@00:08:48 dnc may have been a false flag operation


@00:14:40 before he was convicted as a pedophile