Live 9-11-20 - The Disturbing Big Picture!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:20:15 india and china weeks after trump visit


@00:29:39 44 trader this renegade brennan
@00:32:33 where all of a sudden brennan shows up


@00:10:56 you guys get the antifa exist
@00:14:58 saying that it's antifa douglas county
@00:33:52 antifa
@00:37:48 antifa does same thing they are putting
@00:41:30 safe zones for antifa to operate

Deep state

@00:03:37 deep state
@00:10:49 the demons of the deep state that run
@00:11:36 for us and we're gonna see that the deep
@00:11:39 state is responding
@00:44:01 software and think snowden think deep
@00:44:04 state
@00:44:17 their enemies that the deep state has
@00:52:03 so that we at the deep state yeah this
@00:52:23 deep state


@00:09:56 twitter today because optics
@00:18:41 put on his twitter account for a reason
@00:43:30 facebook twitter using darpa provided

Inspector General

@00:26:34 inspector general office of inspector
@00:26:36 general asked for the devices to be


@00:25:20 irregular warfare like general flynn is