1.17 - Fake News Awards/Plane Diversions/Detroit "Meteor"/Another Dead Dr.

from Destroying the Illusion


Las Vegas

@00:17:50 could be coming in that las vegas
@00:17:54 an attorney for the las vegas metro
@00:18:11 the las vegas police department is


@00:17:14 trafficking sick stuff in poor

Deep state

@00:05:50 the swamp deep state seventh-floor
@00:14:01 good genes which is great the deep state
@00:19:34 deep state that likes to pay people pay
@00:20:14 deep state whether they're just honestly


@00:02:13 influencing twitter analytics okay if
@00:03:30 around twitter and i saw some of the
@00:06:14 and twitter and whatnot i got this link
@00:24:03 on my twitter and facebook a few weeks


@00:11:40 mentioned a delta flight that was

false flag

@00:05:54 awards false flag so this is a really