Justice Schedule Set to Unravel After Dems Farce Impeachment

from Truth and Art TV



@00:22:33 horowitz report to make the rn & co me
@00:26:33 of events horowitz report comey reports


@00:12:52 andrew mccabe over fbi surveillance
@00:13:09 andrew mccabe on tuesday over the


@00:20:13 durham working in secret senate working
@00:23:01 misspellings matter durham in


@00:02:52 here trump is saying so if comey and the
@00:09:17 wow comey was running around the country
@00:13:20 comey is running around oh we're
@00:13:25 wolf blitzer saying quote jim comey said
@00:21:18 corny instead of comey this ridiculous
@00:21:21 alternative spelling of comey cor n ey
@00:21:45 see that comey like it says here anna
@00:21:53 versus comey
@00:22:01 comey if you do a search of the
@00:22:05 instances of comey but like it says up
@00:25:43 addition to comey with the cornfield
@00:26:33 of events horowitz report comey reports
@00:30:57 right here worth remembering and comey


@00:26:44 of fisa then the indictments there goes
@00:30:48 unsealing 140,000 sealed indictments


@00:18:36 if sessions and rayar dc swamped / deep

William Barr

@00:17:14 general william bar wednesday 7:00 p.m.
@00:20:11 seems to be saying i think you says bar

Deep state

@00:01:28 assumptions are wrong look at the deep
@00:01:30 state for example look at how the other
@00:04:54 the deep state
@00:17:54 and then q says the swamp runs deep
@00:18:03 rea a sleeper for the deep state which


@00:32:21 and visit me on twitter as well my


@00:00:35 alternative underground media the q team

Inspector General

@00:22:03 inspector general report there is no


@00:02:56 and cheated on the fisa court wouldn't
@00:03:18 illegally presented to fisa they want to
@00:04:27 stunning rebuke of the fbi the fisa
@00:08:32 is tweeting about fisa judge blasters
@00:17:33 rebutting the nunez memo on fisa abuses
@00:26:44 of fisa then the indictments there goes
@00:27:36 already fisa court slams fbi over
@00:28:16 think flynn fisa illegal a mr. sullivan


@00:28:16 think flynn fisa illegal a mr. sullivan
@00:28:25 this over why don't you exonerate flynn


@00:21:39 is another bombshell proof by the way
@00:22:24 future proof as someone is tweeting
@00:22:54 this whole new level of proof that
@00:24:10 showing us the proof that it's all about
@00:25:39 bombshell proof future proving pass in