deleted CoronaCoverup - Worldwide Attempt to Inflate Deathtoll - Fake Deaths!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:05:18 that one okay so hospital in china is
@00:05:28 china is recovering and everything else
@00:05:30 in china this thing actually hit them
@00:05:33 poor people in china and there's a lot
@00:05:37 families living together most of china


@00:00:29 chinese coronavirus we're gonna talk
@00:05:22 refusing to admit coronavirus patients
@00:08:19 coronavirus patients now you know the
@00:10:01 hydroxychloroquine to fight coronavirus
@00:14:52 hydroxychloroquine for coronavirus
@00:17:28 coronavirus count your effing days so
@00:18:13 announce his a coronavirus death quote
@00:18:27 died from the corona virus and you know
@00:18:53 homeless guy just died of coronavirus
@00:24:18 with this corona virus especially when

Deep state

@00:00:15 the deep state being rounded up or the
@00:01:44 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:47 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:21:10 one the deep state community that's
@00:24:07 beat the deep state so you can


@00:16:13 comment them on facebook and twitter at
@00:16:20 social media like twitter facebook


@00:03:43 vibrates the cells and 5g could be a