Whitaker, Trudeau, Mueller, Ginsberg: State of the Union

from dnajlion7


Human trafficking

@00:07:45 hundreds arrested in human trafficking
@00:07:52 human trafficking including 14 miners
@00:09:50 huge victory lots of human trafficking


@00:06:26 ginsburg rbg sees me ruth bader ginsburg

Las Vegas

@00:10:58 the las vegas massacre while at the same
@00:11:13 for hours fbi forces from both las vegas


@00:04:04 child sex trafficking the 5g network all
@00:07:45 hundreds arrested in human trafficking
@00:07:52 human trafficking including 14 miners
@00:09:50 huge victory lots of human trafficking

Deep state

@00:10:25 hillary clinton factory as more deep
@00:10:27 state trump that exposed fbi raids
@00:11:01 time the deep state attacks against


@00:03:54 especially with the the 5g network so
@00:03:59 report on the 5g network guys my videos
@00:04:04 child sex trafficking the 5g network all
@00:04:20 his word that's the solution to 5g okay


@00:02:01 pedophile robert mueller he's got to be
@00:05:42 pedophile is dead
@00:09:29 street a satanic pedophile pedalboard
@00:09:31 tom hanks the satanic pedophile steven
@00:09:34 spielberg the satanic pedophile and many

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

@00:05:57 now of course ruth bader ginsburg being
@00:06:22 out there in place of rgb ruth bader
@00:06:26 ginsburg rbg sees me ruth bader ginsburg