To Serve Man - The Lie Of Philanthropy

from Amazing Polly



@00:45:36 spread map a spreadsheet comparing the


@00:27:01 about was jeffrey epstein people with a

Bill Gates

@00:00:00 we're gonna be talking about bill gates
@00:04:20 now we're going to be looking at bill
@00:04:23 gates and his company microsoft and his
@00:04:26 sure the bill and melinda gates
@00:04:30 things come up when we look at bill
@00:04:32 gates because of his strategic
@00:04:36 organization did you know that bill
@00:04:39 gates is the second largest funder of
@00:04:50 organization that means that now bill
@00:04:53 and melinda gates are the largest
@00:05:16 it's kind of a bill gates production
@00:05:45 bill gates bill gates is having all his
@00:05:56 we can see that that's true bill gates
@00:06:08 hyperbole to say that bill gates is
@00:06:23 and the general public all think of bill
@00:06:26 gates as this ultimate do-gooder but
@00:12:50 make money and you can see bill gates
@00:12:56 the bill and melinda gates foundation to
@00:14:50 like that this is what bill gates
@00:24:23 always begging for money bill gates is
@00:25:27 created by bill gates and this psycho i
@00:26:06 that what bill gates was doing when he
@00:26:20 decay pain is did bill gates know this
@00:26:57 another person bill gates made a mistake
@00:30:53 and rockefeller know each other and bill
@00:30:57 gates hired marina abramovic to make his
@00:31:55 funds it of course bill gates in case
@00:39:36 and bill and melinda gates were set to
@00:44:38 why would bill gates select this woman
@00:44:46 bill gates partnered with the clinton
@00:44:53 bill and melinda gates foundation
@00:45:59 bill gates as i just showed you do you
@00:46:29 you know bill gates did too in 2010 the
@00:46:32 bill and melinda gates foundation and

Human trafficking

@00:47:22 silsbee haiti amber alerts and human
@00:47:24 trafficking contrary to media reports
@00:47:38 discussing human trafficking it began


@00:47:24 trafficking contrary to media reports
@00:47:38 discussing human trafficking it began
@00:47:49 child trafficking laura silsbee was
@00:48:39 to trafficking children

Spirit cooking

@00:22:14 we reject this spirit cooking mix fresh
@00:24:58 spirit cooking dinner some people think


@00:05:34 all along someone on twitter said the
@00:15:22 underscore internet one from twitter for


@00:05:54 talks about vaccines for the whole world
@00:27:27 more bed meds we can buy more vaccines


@00:14:45 waves delta waves and alpha waves so
@00:39:57 pmg cisco verizon delta city

Pizza gate

@00:47:30 by some as pizza gate did not begin with
@00:47:36 for pizza parlors and encoded language


@00:25:37 rothschild
@00:28:13 picture with rothschild is interesting
@00:28:17 because rothschild and rockefeller not
@00:28:44 back rockefeller and rothschild
@00:28:47 37% stake rothschild bought in


@00:16:10 pertaining to an mkultra mind control


@00:42:16 proof that it's true but why would he do