There Are Many Unexplained Anomalies In The Latest Oregon Shooting - Episode 781b

from X22Report



@00:24:28 china then is going to join in you know

false flag

@00:02:57 a script that they use for false flag
@00:03:08 false flag and i just want to say one
@00:03:10 thing when people hear the false flag
@00:03:16 whatsoever false flag really means that
@00:04:13 was another false flag the towers came
@00:04:20 hear false like don't think it's all
@00:06:34 script of a false flag they create the
@00:07:38 false flag because they're pretty much
@00:08:15 who were vets they stopped a false flag
@00:09:04 look at our false flag script there is
@00:11:19 false flag and how the fbi and other
@00:12:45 to push another false flag shooting and
@00:14:13 actually fit right into the false flag

Saudi Arabia

@00:23:21 saudi arabia united states turkey