America Is On The Path Of Becoming A Police State- Episode 247

from X22Report



@00:04:10 course in sudan china is also in africa
@00:04:21 china is in sudan they are backing the
@00:04:53 they're paying them off and china is
@00:22:21 china
@00:22:34 out we have to understand that china
@00:22:54 strategic partner china has complete
@00:24:58 china is backing them it just so happens
@00:25:18 mall at the same time in kenya china was
@00:26:26 third largest copper mine china was also
@00:26:39 creating opium and selling it to china


@00:04:24 rebels and i believe iran is also
@00:25:45 with iran to trade oil with north korea
@00:26:49 russia is an iran and we can see this

false flag

@00:20:37 setting up for this false flag event
@00:24:11 false flag event because they're
@00:27:17 can expect a false flag event because

North Korea

@00:25:24 clearinghouse of the yuan in north korea
@00:25:45 with iran to trade oil with north korea
@00:25:49 north korea was making deals with russia


@00:18:01 here with canada and mexico because if


@00:14:59 president's orders without proof if they
@00:15:09 if they have proof if they believe it