The House Judiciary attempting to #LOCKHERUP?!

from Tracy Beanz



@00:05:49 the clinton foundation while the uranium
@00:12:51 uranium 1 by the company rose rose rose


@00:01:57 comey our tapes being made of the
@00:04:54 yet loretta lynch director james comey
@00:06:47 or the implementation of lynch or comey
@00:09:48 loretta lynch fbi director james comey
@00:10:40 now makes you wonder james comey he
@00:11:32 directing mr. comey to mislead the
@00:13:45 comey and miss lynch had any knowledge
@00:14:12 obama administration including mr. comey
@00:14:25 admittedly 'kz by mr. comey to columbia
@00:14:33 comey and president trump how the leaked
@00:15:38 leaks originated by mr. comey and


@00:00:48 trump and jeff sessions and the firing
@00:02:22 attorney general jeff sessions our
@00:03:13 because mr. sessions recused himself
@00:08:44 general sessions and deputy attorney
@00:16:21 sessions attorney general and the deputy
@00:16:29 other day sessions came out and said


@00:17:10 beans please follow me on twitter at


@00:16:37 lots of rumblings underground but