Patriots Setup Hidden Traps Everywhere, [DS] Continues To Fall Into Them - Episode 2203b

from X22Report



@00:21:06 individuals especially from china and


@00:24:21 a good cure for this corona virus and

Deep state

@00:00:42 everywhere deep state continues to fall
@00:01:29 exposing the deep state and this has
@00:01:40 deep state out there showing the world
@00:14:31 about what the deep state entities
@00:22:49 anymore but the deep state they keep
@00:30:49 mainstream media it destroys the deep
@00:30:51 state it destroys the ds and that's what


@00:08:47 twitter and on the the least two
@00:09:48 twitter they use burner phones q is
@00:19:47 youtube twitter look where we are today
@00:28:35 4,000 478 q gives us a twitter link to

North Korea

@00:22:56 trump's north korea peace drive is over
@00:23:04 argument between the north and south
@00:23:16 north korea and that turned out to be
@00:23:20 that north korea is gonna be firing a