US Government Is Covertly Preparing The Next Wave Of Attacks In Syria - Episode 846b

from X22Report



@00:09:14 there to look at it united states china
@00:11:55 continually provoke china japan may send
@00:12:00 warships to china and we know that the
@00:12:18 they can use to patrol the south china
@00:12:24 provoke china the prime minister also
@00:12:55 islands in the east china sea stretching
@00:13:09 right now to provoke china they're
@00:13:14 hoping china does something remember
@00:13:26 the pacific trying to provoke china this


@00:19:39 iran and the system collapses and who's
@00:22:02 over to iran that's all they have that's

false flag

@00:22:15 something planned which is a false flag

Saudi Arabia

@00:13:30 is part of the plan now saudi arabia is
@00:13:56 course and you have to remember saudi
@00:13:58 arabia under the rule of the united
@00:14:03 never attacks saudi arabia so saudi
@00:14:06 arabia is just flying in and bombing a
@00:18:47 ground they talk to england france saudi
@00:18:51 arabia guitar jordan germany germany
@00:20:37 basically the us and saudi arabia