In Pursuit of Truth Presents New Q Anon - 4.13.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:13:07 prince and iran but they're on these


@00:03:50 former fbi director james comey right

Deep state

@00:09:05 the deep state but we don't want to do


@00:00:20 from donald trump's twitter just had an
@00:01:27 at 14 minutes past the hour for twitter
@00:01:55 twitter page right and actually let me
@00:02:05 still there if you go to the twitter
@00:02:26 know where memes are great on twitter
@00:02:27 right and and trump loves twitter so
@00:09:20 we have twitter down injection good okay
@00:09:38 about with twitter what's so famous on
@00:09:39 twitter donald trump loves twitter's
@00:09:56 incidentally i got me at twitter folks i
@00:10:01 got me at twitter is this a good time to
@00:10:07 i got a twitter
@00:14:21 twitter i pot okay it's just called i
@00:14:43 stay stay on my twitter


@00:12:24 dershowitz took on pedophile jeffrey