Snow White 7 Is Now Offline. Package Complete. Have a Nice Day.

from TRUreporting



@00:27:20 after all their missteps comey mccabe


@00:20:48 governor may appoint cindy mccain to be
@00:22:28 go out to the family not to john mccain
@00:22:40 john mccain surgery was fake why would
@00:25:51 notable senator john mccain the daily
@00:27:05 and then we see mccain with his dirty


@00:09:38 china it could be the middle east we
@00:27:17 china next move better be by the fbi doj

Human trafficking

@00:24:19 trafficking executive order blocking the
@00:24:23 human rights abuse or corruption


@00:17:00 corona one offline corona for offline so
@00:17:07 are corona for what i want i wonder what
@00:17:12 on a for offline corona eight reroute t
@00:17:19 corona 16 tasks throughout seven or zi8
@00:17:23 301 corona 69th wine queue so are these
@00:17:33 what is corona are these satellites if


@00:24:19 trafficking executive order blocking the


@00:27:20 after all their missteps comey mccabe


@00:14:02 the anti sessions remove fire nothing
@00:14:17 sessions did not sessions did not win
@00:14:19 will sessions win will sessions who does

Deep state

@00:18:01 of the deep state i keep getting five oh


@00:02:05 would like to follow me on twitter
@00:28:37 this please follow me on twitter at true
@00:29:46 have been talking on twitter back and
@00:30:17 check out worldwide patriot on twitter

false flag

@00:08:46 say this we go back to the hawaii false
@00:08:49 flag false flag attack february 11th ask


@00:23:41 isaac capi exposing all this stuff now


@00:27:23 struck page or fisa dirty dossier etc


@00:20:27 dead long in advance again more proof