deleted Maga Update - 3.24.18 - Was the Omnibus a Trump Trojan Horse against Dems?

from Dustin Nemos



@00:06:09 mccabe has already been fired we already
@00:12:51 mccabe takes two op-eds in the


@00:14:08 trade war with china
@00:14:48 than china in that trade war and they

Human trafficking

@00:00:46 involved in human trafficking especially

Las Vegas

@00:12:30 ms-13 is on a killing spree in las vegas


@00:00:46 involved in human trafficking especially

Military tribunals

@00:00:14 their own demise their own military
@00:00:16 tribunals if you've been following the

Deep state

@00:02:17 communities in the deep state ses and


@00:17:08 gab on twitter on bitch shoot vimeo all

Inspector General

@00:05:43 act shall be used to deny an inspector
@00:05:45 general funded under this act timely

Pizza gate

@00:13:01 after pizza gate my pizza gate came out