Corona Virus Cover For Mass Arrests? PART III

from Liz Crokin



@00:12:20 so when we wrote what if china russia
@00:12:41 china /cq cancel the compound trump
@00:15:36 china a lot of people are confused
@00:15:44 came from china and so people don't
@00:15:51 the president of china if china is
@00:16:17 the deep state china has a deep state
@00:17:02 forbidden city in china he is the only


@00:01:59 that you can go on q map pub and read
@00:30:55 indictment map there was less than a


@00:52:09 a lot of them are on adrenochrome and
@00:52:14 they're adrenochrome with jaws supposed


@00:06:30 corona virus being used as a cover to
@00:08:52 homes during the corona virus lockdown
@00:09:14 due to corona virus outbreak okay i have
@00:11:18 response to the corona virus pandemic
@00:12:44 announced today could cure the corona
@00:12:58 millions with the corona virus she told
@00:13:24 created the corona virus however the
@00:46:09 pictures of a corona typewriter so i
@00:46:21 the corona virus but he just happened to
@00:46:24 carry his corona typewriter with him on
@00:46:41 that corona typewriter in the suitcase
@00:46:48 corona typewriter is a message it's a
@00:46:57 madonna was typing in a corona


@00:20:58 trafficking networks and right after his
@00:22:45 child sex trafficking i've noticed that
@00:35:38 because they were trafficking the
@00:37:17 arrested for sex trafficking okay i was
@00:38:58 trafficking really are so in effect
@00:41:36 says that he's running a sex trafficking
@00:42:23 child sex trafficking i don't see how
@00:42:35 in child sex trafficking explain his
@00:43:52 about child sex trafficking and being in


@00:09:28 members that have sealed indictments so
@00:09:31 when these sealed indictments are acted
@00:09:35 thousand sealed indictments and from
@00:30:47 high number of sealed indictments so
@00:30:57 hundred sealed indictments in that state
@00:31:09 sealed indictments the states that don't
@00:31:12 have crazy number of sealed indictments
@00:42:05 unsealed and sealed indictments that

Deep state

@00:01:07 elected to take down the deep state
@00:12:51 around the deep deep state to give it to
@00:12:56 into the deep state plot to kill
@00:13:17 videos the deep state is behind this
@00:13:20 pandemic the deep state is the one that
@00:16:07 country has a deep state the united
@00:16:10 states has a deep state israel has a
@00:16:13 deep state north korea was controlled by
@00:16:17 the deep state china has a deep state
@00:20:13 take down and arrest the deep state /
@00:33:12 won the deep state sent out all their


@00:03:26 can follow him on instagram and twitter
@00:04:31 command verified twitter page this is
@00:10:34 on twitter that i used to follow before
@00:29:19 through his entire twitter history and
@00:37:08 it was trending on twitter
@00:37:15 trending on twitter that she had been
@00:41:23 twitter page or he post articles of
@00:41:40 twitter page
@00:51:44 the twitter war between chrissy teigen
@00:52:44 twitter convicted of attempting to have
@00:52:49 being a pedophile twitter they throw
@00:53:00 doctor pizza on twitter he's a reporter

Mass arrests

@00:06:33 conduct the mass arrests this will be
@00:08:59 lockdown will be used to conduct mass
@00:09:02 arrests which i talked about in part one
@00:14:19 cover for the mass arrests and like i've
@00:33:26 these mass arrests that's when you

Satanic rituals

@00:35:29 they were conducting rituals on these
@00:35:34 satanic ritualistic abuse and they were


@00:01:13 state satanic pedophile cabal and there
@00:21:40 pedophile cabal for years and they've
@00:23:00 massive pedophile ring that is taken
@00:35:56 members of the pedophile satanic cabal
@00:44:24 a pedophile i'll i like to write babies
@00:47:11 well pasta is a pedophile cold word for
@00:47:52 known pedophile cobert ellen ellen is
@00:49:25 is an fbi identified pedophile symbol
@00:49:44 with an fbi identified pedophile symbol
@00:50:34 were filled with pedophile cold words
@00:52:49 being a pedophile twitter they throw
@00:52:51 their pedophile pizza coat in your face
@00:53:11 pizzas not a pedophile cold word yeah


@00:34:34 fight underground that was in 2018 okay
@00:34:40 soldiers to fight underground where do
@00:34:47 its underground among other things that
@00:34:50 are underground its underground research
@00:34:57 children were trafficked underground and
@00:35:10 there were tunnels underground that

Pizza gate

@00:50:35 that's what the crux of what pizza gate
@00:52:51 their pedophile pizza coat in your face
@00:52:54 you're crazy if you believe pizza gate
@00:53:00 doctor pizza on twitter he's a reporter

North Korea

@00:16:13 deep state north korea was controlled by
@00:17:47 president trump entered north korea


@00:05:48 soldiers that general flynn talks about


@00:08:55 okay that is another proof that this
@00:12:32 joe said incredible q proof on april 9th

Saudi Arabia

@00:17:54 saudi arabia the sword dance do you guys
@00:18:03 to saudi arabia in 2017 it was in the
@00:18:29 saudi arabia i was blown away and so
@00:19:46 saudi arabia type in president trump
@00:19:48 saudi arabia i'm sore dance what we now
@00:20:19 cabal faction of saudi arabia and that
@00:20:29 highest honor in saudi arabia and it's