Bolton Book Contains Classified Info, Hypothetical Exposing Mitt Romney, Shadow Trafficking Outfits

from dnajlion7


Human trafficking

@00:06:17 prominent anti-human trafficking or
@00:06:22 event several prominent anti trafficking
@00:06:29 fighting human trafficking organized by
@00:06:41 dedicated to stop human trafficking not
@00:07:00 so-called anti human trafficking
@00:07:24 quote-unquote anti human trafficking


@00:06:17 prominent anti-human trafficking or
@00:06:22 event several prominent anti trafficking
@00:06:29 fighting human trafficking organized by
@00:06:41 dedicated to stop human trafficking not
@00:06:48 trafficking outfits and that's exactly
@00:07:00 so-called anti human trafficking
@00:07:11 that they are covering for trafficking
@00:07:24 quote-unquote anti human trafficking
@00:07:33 their own child sex trafficking same
@00:07:42 trafficking outfits i think he's
@00:07:51 which runs the national anti trafficking


@00:01:51 what jack bergman saying on his twitter


@00:06:57 after these pedophile rings so any


@00:08:26 gonna help the united states mexico