Trump Trolls Dems... Then Gives Out Contract For 115 Miles of Wall!

from Truth and Art TV


Human trafficking

@00:11:25 to respect with respect to serious human
@00:11:27 rights abuse and you know human
@00:11:29 trafficking and all that right so kids
@00:11:39 the human trafficking and these poor


@00:04:37 as part of the horrific iran nuclear


@00:11:29 trafficking and all that right so kids
@00:11:39 the human trafficking and these poor

Red Cross

@00:10:46 haiti red cross classified high priority

Deep state

@00:10:05 say goodbye deep state we are watching
@00:10:07 the systematic destruction of the deep
@00:10:10 state and with that said let us go to


@00:01:09 twitter which is the the leading
@00:01:18 the q boards and the trump twitter

North Korea

@00:08:35 with my team working on north korea like
@00:15:11 going on with north korea and national


@00:13:45 resignations is when all of this started
@00:13:53 resignations and cue said do you believe

Saudi Arabia

@00:06:11 saudi arabia saudi arabia has now agreed
@00:06:38 they needed to separate the us and saudi
@00:06:41 arabia from any kind of deals and you
@00:06:44 can and we're gonna read about saudi
@00:06:45 arabia maybe later again but there it is
@00:07:04 thanks to saudi arabia so there it is
@00:09:50 and thank you saudi arabia for helping
@00:10:31 children saved by the raids in saudi
@00:10:34 arabia alone a wonder trump's making
@00:10:37 deals with saudi arabia today because
@00:10:39 over a year ago saudi arabia
@00:10:49 saudi arabia big role in the storm three