deleted Qanon July 20, 2020 - Batten Down the Hatches

from prayingmedic



@00:02:20 report inspector general horowitz wrote
@00:03:15 spec you general horowitz found the
@00:03:27 reread horowitz 11 and 6 all right we


@00:00:26 get either the q alerts app or the q map


@00:15:03 gillian maxwell and jeffrey epstein


@00:00:57 things he put into the iran deal there

Red Cross

@00:14:57 took that photo put a red cross through


@00:21:38 fbi muller and comey number two position

William Barr

@00:20:13 so did attorney general william bar

Deep state

@00:14:45 deep state and he has seemed appeared to
@00:20:22 publicly named chris ray is a deep state


@00:05:25 the control console of twitter for
@00:05:32 twitter was hacked last week so hew
@00:16:51 flynn's twitter page and noted that it
@00:17:09 the twitter page i am not a web designer

Inspector General

@00:02:20 report inspector general horowitz wrote


@00:02:01 harridge wrote fisa newly declassified
@00:02:33 the fisa applications then just before
@00:02:36 the final fisa in june of 2017
@00:03:58 oversaw fisa the improper use of bruce
@00:04:16 learned a fisa issue so here's an
@00:08:56 are so fisa is the foreign intelligence
@00:09:07 actually surveilled under fisa so fisa
@00:09:14 fisa title one is the electronic
@00:09:25 okay so that's fisa title one fisa title
@00:09:32 premises or property within the us fisa
@00:09:35 title seven is synonymous with fisa
@00:10:04 either fisa title 1 which is electronic
@00:20:44 abuse of the fisa process and one of
@00:20:54 surveilled under fisa well there were a
@00:21:03 under fisa surveillance so the question
@00:21:08 manage the bureau's fisa program if he
@00:21:12 have a fisa program if general flynn


@00:00:50 a chapter on general flynn chapter on ed
@00:12:03 inside plants flynn is safe to find a
@00:15:42 flynn three-star general so asking if
@00:16:12 apparently general flynn changed his
@00:16:20 you ready to serve once again flynn
@00:16:59 would be east coast time flynn uploads
@00:17:19 this jena flynn kill american hero and
@00:17:33 that general flynn is going to replace
@00:18:04 general flynn is not an attorney and he
@00:18:30 general flynn was the director of the
@00:19:10 i would think the general flynn would
@00:19:23 intelligence agencies so general flynn
@00:19:53 so in that respect flynn has a pretty
@00:20:28 general flynn if he was ready to serve
@00:20:47 their victims was general flynn
@00:20:52 for sure that general flynn was actually
@00:20:58 a couple of years saying that flynn mana
@00:21:06 is how do you think that flynn would
@00:21:12 have a fisa program if general flynn
@00:22:06 corrupt and then q rights flynn targeted
@00:22:56 march of 2018 with general flynn v 2
@00:23:08 that maybe general flynn is going to be
@00:23:20 any sense but general flynn is a leader
@00:23:54 prayer keep general flynn in prayer

Five Eyes

@00:07:25 702 five eyes non five eyes spy insert
@00:10:22 five eyes five eyes is an agreement
@00:10:38 thing about five eyes surveillance is if
@00:11:09 into with five eyes surveillance is all