deleted 3.1.19 - Major Updates. Trudeau and More.

from Dustin Nemos



@00:11:25 really popular in china sea lorrimer was
@00:15:22 the context here china


@00:10:56 sessions
@00:11:04 that illusion that sessions did nothing

William Barr

@00:03:18 devin nunez ag bar has until march 15th

Deep state

@00:03:22 to report out on crooked deep state


@00:25:00 for twitter there tom you might get
@00:34:09 again people were telling me on twitter


@00:07:31 vaccines and stuff in the chemtrails and


@00:31:36 5g right now i've solved it some way
@00:32:09 really interested in solutions for 5g so
@00:32:14 video out talking about 5g i've done
@00:32:19 and any math and 5g radiation in general
@00:32:27 know about 5g j
@00:32:30 general but will help for 5g i should
@00:32:32 say um it won't save you from 5g
@00:32:46 destroyed by the 5g it actually makes it


@00:11:11 got him that's huber you playing chess