deleted Impeachment, Clinton Vs Gabbard, Biden, Mifsud, Fake News Freefall

from Dustin Nemos



@00:11:50 have special investigator john durham


@00:09:38 crowdstrike didn't determine russians
@00:10:08 hillary's emails but crowdstrike didn't

William Barr

@00:05:15 hanging out with the guys drunk at a bar

Deep state

@00:12:01 western deep state asset supposedly a
@00:12:03 russian deep state asset to spy on
@00:21:13 kind of reclaim some years from the deep
@00:21:15 state in a sense you can detox the deep
@00:21:17 state we have a detox 20 special going


@00:09:24 our president on twitter which is a
@00:12:53 twitter 2015 about then vice president