"Corinthia, Serco, And The Red Switch" By: NEON REVOLT

from TRUreporting


Human trafficking

@00:11:36 don't forget the human trafficking


@00:11:36 don't forget the human trafficking

Deep state

@00:07:39 the corinthian hotel chain as a deep
@00:07:41 state operation the corinthian london
@00:09:55 our correspondent says carinthia deep
@00:09:57 state hotel wine anonymous says oh yeah
@00:11:29 between hollywood and the deep state


@00:00:21 attention about you know isaac green uni

Field McConnell

@00:04:34 states marine field mcconnell can
@00:05:06 for hire united states marine field
@00:05:09 mcconnell plum city online a bail danger