[2.10] L.A. "Training" Exercises / Free Energy / Geoengineering / Space Force / GMOs / Vaccines

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:14:15 map here shows all the different booms

Deep state

@00:05:28 with the deep state and how their cults
@00:07:06 they're not joking about it the deep
@00:07:08 state what they do they're so arrogant
@00:08:01 deal that a lot of these deep state folk
@00:10:31 the deep state folk like to try and tell
@00:12:54 anything new but of course what the deep
@00:12:56 state has to do right now is try to
@00:17:37 inherited a mess that the deep state
@00:18:07 gonna moreso talk about deep state
@00:19:10 deep state fingerprints all over it i
@00:19:35 was that to the stars academy and deep
@00:19:39 state ufo disclosures are gonna start
@00:20:06 deep state over here on the other hand


@00:02:35 to show you that he put out on twitter
@00:05:50 be pizza this was on twitter chrissy
@00:06:08 she got into a twitter spat with liz
@00:06:29 regards to pizza and on twitter this
@00:06:34 twitter account and look what they
@00:06:52 twitter handle verified you can see that
@00:07:25 twitter handle
@00:07:32 some conversation is on twitter these
@00:07:34 twitter accounts they're owned by some
@00:24:35 follow me on twitter on instagram you
@00:25:06 youtube and on twitter instagram on


@00:00:26 gmos vaccines the space force would be
@00:15:45 vaccines so space let's get into that
@00:20:41 touch on gmos and the vaccines and
@00:21:38 think their vaccines either italy
@00:21:49 vaccines so gizmodo here saw some other
@00:22:10 about vaccines the backs propaganda is
@00:22:19 propaganda about vaccines
@00:23:15 and not just that but vaccines do not
@00:23:22 disease than vaccines do vaccines yes
@00:23:41 have to do talking about vaccines
@00:23:48 people out there shilling for vaccines
@00:23:50 promoting vaccines a lot of mainstream
@00:23:56 vaccines putting out lies literal lies
@00:24:18 vaccines too doing a lot of work on
@00:24:20 vaccines coming up very big topic that


@00:15:12 underground and deep underground
@00:15:18 maybe more underground facilities are

Pizza gate

@00:06:14 trying to discredit pizza gate and call
@00:06:17 blah but yeah what kind of pizza is that