Mar3 - Pizzagate Wiki/Attacks on Sessions/Soft Disclosure Ball Rolling Faster

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:01:05 their tracks and allegedly john mccain

Human trafficking

@00:00:24 regards to the human trafficking pizza


@00:00:24 regards to the human trafficking pizza


@00:02:12 and also apparently george soros with
@00:02:28 when in doubt blame soros uh-huh and


@00:01:01 sessions because they're trying to stop
@00:01:27 trying to attack sessions so you know
@00:01:42 sessions so beware right and apparently
@00:02:18 protests for against sessions to get him
@00:07:28 administration on sessions it's really

Pizza gate

@00:00:16 foremost i found a pizza gate wikipedia
@00:00:24 regards to the human trafficking pizza
@00:00:26 gate stuff but it's pretty neat
@00:07:18 today really neat pizza gate wikipedia i