Grassley to Evaluate Process of Requesting Trump Taxes- Can Request Dems Taxes!

from Truth and Art TV


William Barr

@00:11:43 to withdraw a bill bar nomination one
@00:12:14 attorney general nominee barr quote bill
@00:12:17 barr has a very high opinion of mueller
@00:12:31 about this bill bar and he's buddies
@00:14:42 by bill bar and there it is it's all

Deep state

@00:01:50 corruption worldwide the deep state is
@00:01:54 deep so those of you who understand that


@00:06:38 everyone to check out the trunk twitter


@00:13:27 department's future-proof spats now cuit

Saudi Arabia

@00:15:50 after sculpture celebrating saudi arabia
@00:16:14 nine-foot tall statue celebrating saudi
@00:16:17 arabia if you could believe that is at