The Economic Strategy Is Working Perfectly, Watch Everything Flip - Episode 1861a

from X22Report



@00:07:31 are continuing with china and the
@00:08:26 impose more tariffs on china in an
@00:09:04 okay listen china is not agreeing i'm
@00:09:20 he knew china was going to react to this
@00:09:23 he knew china wasn't going to budge well
@00:10:27 change with china
@00:10:29 all of a sudden china is going to start
@00:11:25 seen an erosion of commitments by china
@00:11:53 china sent through a new draft of an
@00:12:27 of opinions the u.s. first china trade
@00:12:32 of cultural clashes each time china
@00:12:36 takes aggressive action red dragon china
@00:13:23 mirroring the behavior of china while

William Barr

@00:01:37 ounce silver bar for anyone rolling over

Deep state

@00:06:50 think about the deep state the central
@00:07:19 i'm talking about the central bank deep
@00:07:20 state they would want everyone dependent
@00:11:02 completely wrong and the deep state the
@00:15:05 because the deep state the globalists
@00:15:16 united states and this is what the deep
@00:15:20 state the central banks don't like this
@00:15:35 central bank the deep state actually
@00:16:14 deep state the central bank's had put